
A word fitly spoken is like apples of gold in pictures of silver. (Proverbs 25:11)

A fool hath no delight in understanding, but that his heart may discover itself. (Proverbs 18:2)

When God gave Scripture, He said what He meant, and He meant what He said.  God used real words with real meanings. But be careful, many of these real words have been redefined by Religion in order to support their agenda and False Doctrine.

If you don’t have an intimate knowledge and understanding of Religion, and the history of Religion … and a complete understanding about how the Bible became available in English, read The Truth According to Scripture – Book One – Basic Bible Knowledge. It is available on Amazon in Kindle, Paperback, and Hardcover … or Get a free PDF download.

To dismiss a word, by declaring that it is archaic, is to ignore God and rely on religion: you are putting your faith in man and holding God in contempt. You are also declaring your own laziness and ignorance.  It is a simple matter to increase your vocabulary and believe God in truth.

Use extreme caution when using a dictionary to establish a definition.  Dictionary meanings have morphed over time; they invoke modernized meanings to formerly common and ordinary words.  You must always look at the etymology of the word (its origin), and the original meaning (archaic).  But, remember that Scripture always defines itself.  If Scriptural definitions are different than the dictionary, the Scripture is always right.

Never, ever, trust the definitions found in a Concordance.  A concordance is only useful to find the address of words.  The problem with concordance definitions is that they are biased; they are according to Religious Agendas, Religious Doctrine, Religious Customs, Religious Practices, Religious Traditions, etc.


Abase, Abhor, Abolish, Abomination/Abominable, Accursed, Accuse, Admonish, Adultery, Albeit, Afflict, Affright, Alarm, Allegory, Alleluia, Alway, Always, Ambassador, Amen, Amerce, Amiss, Anathema Maranatha, Angel, Anguish, Anoint, Apocrypha, Apostate, Apostle, Archaic, Are, Argue, Ark, Armageddon, Ask, Assembly, Astonied, Astonish, Astrology, Atonement, Avenge, Awe 


Babbling    Baby/Babe  Baptize/Baptism     Base     Be   Beelzebub   Beguile     Believe     Bemoan     Beseech     Bestow   Betrothed   Bewail     Bewitch     Bible Bishop/Bishoprick    Blame     Blaspheme Bless/Blessing/Blessed Booth Bosom Boy Breast Brimstone


Can Canst Certain Certainly Certify Chamberlain Charity Charm Chaste Chastise Chest Chide Child Christ Christian Christmas     Church Circumcise/Circumcision Cleave/Clave Cleft/Cloven Cockatrice Comfort Commend Complain     Complete Concubine Concupiscence Condemn/Condemnation Confer Confound Confused Congregation Consecrate Console Consternation Contend/Contentious Contempt Contradict Contrary Conversation Convert Convocation Corrupt Corruptions-of-Scripture     Council Covenant   Covet   Create Cumbrance     Curse/Cursing/Cursed Cyrenius (Quirinius)


Damn Damsel Dare/Durst Debase Death Debate Deceit Dedicate Defile Deity Demon Devil Devote Devout Disciple Discomfit Discomfort    Dispensation Distress Divers Diverse     Divine Doctrine Dominion Dowry Dread


Easter     Elect     Emulation   Enchant Endow   Enemy Enmity  Ensample     Entice Entire Entreat Entrust Envy Ephod Epistle Eschew Espouse Establish   Evil    Example Execration Exhort


Fable     Faith     Famous    Favour Fear Finish    Foe Folly Fool Fornicate/Fornication     Forward Fright     Froward


Gainsay Gay     Gehenna/Gehinnom     Gentile Ghost Gird/Girdle Girl GOD/God/god     Gospel     Grace     Grecian Grief/Grieve Grown Guile


Hades Halleluiah, Hallelujah Hallow/Hallowed Halloween Hanukkah    Harlot Hate Heathen Hebrew Hell     Help Heresy/Heretic Holpen Holy     Holy Ghost     Holy Spirit     Host Husband


Idol Ignominy ILL Illumination     Immoral Immortal Impute Infamous    Infant Infidel Inflict Inherit Inquire   Inspiration Intercession Intreat Interpret Israelite


Jacinth Jealousy  Jesus  Jesus’ Birthday Jew     Judgement     Just Justice     Justified


Kine Kingdom King James Bible Truth


Lad Lament Lap Law     Lend Lent Letter Leviathan Loin Longsuffering LORD/Lord/lord Lost Lucifer Luke 2-Verified Lust LXX


Magi Magic     Maid/Maiden Make Malice Malignity Marriage/Marry May Messenger Messiah    Minister Miracle Mistress Mourn Mrs. Must


Necromancer Nether Neither


Ordain Oppose Oppress Ouches


Paps Parable Paraphrase   Passion Pay/Repay Penalty Perdition Perfect   Pernicious Perverse/Perverted     Philosophy Pollute   Prating Pray Predestined Preservation    Preserve Presumed Public Knowledge Profane Professor Promiscuous Promise Prophecy Propitiation Proselyte Prostitute/Prostitution Proverb Provoke Pulse     Pupal Purgatory




Ravish Rebound    Rebuke Recompense Redeem  Redemption Process     Redound     Remit/Remission     Remnant Render Renown     Repent Replenish Reproach Requite Revelation     Revenge     Revile Revive Reward Rudiment


Sabbath Sacrifice Sacrilege Saint Salvation     Save Sanctify     Sanctuary Sanhedrin Scholar Scripture     Seers Septuagint Shall Sheol Sick Sign Sin Slander Slay Smite Sorcery Sorrow Soul Spirit Spoil Spouse Stablish Star of David     Stories Story Strife Strive Student    Study Subject Subtil Succour Superstition Synagogue


Tabernacle Testament  Temple Tempt Tent Teraphim Terror    Thee/Thy/Thou    Therefore Thence     Thitherward   Thoroughly     Throughly Thummim     Tidings Torment Transliterate   Tithe     Tradition     Transgress     Translate     Transliterate Trespass Tribulation Trow Try


Uncircumcision     Unicorn Untoward Upbraid Urim


Vain/Vanity Vehement     Vengeance   Vestment Vex Virgin Virtue  Vulgar


Wages Wail Wanton     Wax Whence Whereas Wherefore Wholly     Whomsoever     Whore/Whoredom     Whose Soever     Whosoever   Wicked     Wife Wile Witch Witchcraft Wizard Wonder Wot Wrath Wrest Wreathen Wrestle Wrong



Ye/You     Yet Yield



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