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Due to the Religious Industry’s corruption of the title Evangelist, it is necessary for me to clarify my position in order to distance myself from their lies and corruptions.

I am a “Teacher”; an Educator.  My job is to present accurate information without bias or an agenda.  What people do with that information is entirely up to them.  I have nothing to sell and there is nothing to join.  The only thing I have to offer is honest, unbiased information, without any personal opinion.

Religion is nothing more than a Multi-Level Marketing Scheme.  The role of a Religious Evangelist is to be a Keynote Speaker for a Multi-Level Marketing scheme.  Their job is to convince people to ‘buy into’ their program … and collect money.  Once a person joins the Social Club, the institution continues to collect money.  Their primary strategy for recruitment and retention is the employment of ignorance, fear, and social acceptance.  Their only source of credibility is self-proclaimed and the employment of errant Presumed Public Knowledge.

In order to accomplish this, they must twist and misrepresent the truth, present partial facts, commingle facts, redefine words, and tell outright lies.  They never tell ‘the whole truth and nothing but the truth’ … their rhetoric is according to the design and purpose of their Institution … their employer.

As an Educator, it is my job to perform in contrast to their system … to tell the whole truth, and nothing but the truth … in context and according to the design and purpose of the Author, God.

The focus of EW Whitten Ministry is on teaching the Word of God without any religious overtones or affiliation.  Because we do not affiliate ourselves with any religious institutions or organizations, we are not controlled by their agendas, traditions or customs; we are free to teach the undefiled truth of Scripture.

We have nothing to sell and there is nothing to join.  We are not a religion.  We have no Institution to promote. We are not here to convince you to agree with us or believe an opinion.  The only thing that matters is the truth of Scripture … what does God say.

Our Mission, and our only agenda, is to teach people how to study and understand the Word of God … Rightly Divided; to empower every person to believe God Exclusively and Explicitly according to Rightly Divided Scripture.  (II Corinthians 1:24 Not for that we have dominion over your faith, but are helpers of your joy: for by faith ye stand.)  Believing and serving God requires an intelligent understanding of Scripture, which produces faith.

The key to unlocking Scripture is found in II Timothy 2:15-16, which is the cornerstone of this Ministry.

The study of Scripture is paramount to Salvation, Redemption, and Justification.  However, if the Word of God is not studied according to Second Timothy 2:15, then your study is in vain.  According to God, the study of Scripture requires that you Rightly Divide the Truth.  This division is not the separation of truth from a lie, it is the separation of truth from truth; knowing the difference between what is for you to know, and what is to you to live by. The things that God gave TO you is your instruction for righteousness.

Everything in Scripture is for you; so you can understand who God is, what He is doing and why He is doing it.  But not everything in Scripture is given to you to live by.  (Just a clue … We do not live in Times Past or the Ages to Come … or the last days.)

Once you have Rightly Divided the Word of God, you have the foundation for an intelligent understanding of Scripture.  Now Verse 16 of Second Timothy 2 comes into play … you must “shun profane and vain babblings” of religion and all Presumed Public Knowledge about God and Salvation.  These are active choices that every person must make and act on, which every person is independently accountable for to God.

Your faith cannot be dependent on us or anyone else; Your faith must rest entirely on the Word of God Rightly Divided, not on the words of men.  Every person is independently accountable; what you believe about God must be according to Rightly Divided Scripture.  (Romans 3:4 God forbid: yea, let God be true, but every man a liar; as it is written, That thou mightest be justified in thy sayings, and mightest overcome when thou art judged.)   NEVER rely on what men say about God … ALWAYS trust what God says about Himself.  People can help you understand and learn, but it is up to you to verify everything they say with Rightly Divided Scripture.

With one simple click, you can freely have the Basic Bible Knowledge necessary for everyone that really wants to serve God.

A full description of the The Truth According to Scripture – Book One: Basic Bible Knowledge – 7th Edition”>Truth According to Scripture.

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Find the true definitions of words that are often misrepresented by religion, and accepted through Presumed Public Knowledge.

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