
EnchantBewitch, charm, fascinate, cast a spell; Practice sorcery or witchcraft on.

God used this word 15 times in Scripture; all in admonition to Israel in their Masoretic Text Old Testament.

Prior to the Dispensation of Grace, when there was Divine Intervention and Satanic Intervention, the gentile religions had the fallen-angels as their gods; they didn’t trust in the Creator-God of Israel. For sorcery to work, it requires Satanic Intervention.

Today, in the Dispensation of Grace, God does not intervein and the fallen angels are no longer active; sorcery is nothing more than superstition, folklore, and old wives’ tales.  Christianity rejects God and Scripture and is keeping the practices alive to use them as a fear-tactic to control the masses.

See also Astrology, Beguile, Bewitch, Charm, Deceive, Entice, God, Magic, Sorcery, Witchcraft

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