
DeathThe absence of life; The destruction or permanent end of something, not the cessation of existence.

God used the word Death 376 times, Dead 372 times, Die 122 times, and Died 201 times in Scripture.

It is important to understand that death is the reward for unrighteousness; the wages of sin is death.

In Scripture, God tells us that we have 3 deaths.  Just as mankind’s physical body is triune, so is death.

  1. The Original Death was the death of mankind’s Spirit.  Since Genesis 11 and the penalty given to Adam, death passes by inheritance to all mankind; the Law of Sin and Death: mankind is no longer born with a godly-spirit.  To commune with God, you have to have a godly spirit.
  2. The First Death referred to in Scripture is the death of your physical body.  The natural man is primarily concerned with this Death; the absence of life and the destruction or permanent end of their physical body.
  3. The Second Death referred to in Scripture is eternal death; the judgement of God and the eternal torment of a person’s soul in the Lake of Fire.  Everybody owes God their own debt for sin; that debt must be paid in blood by the giving of life, which results in death.

The death that we usually refer to is the permanent end of the physical body.  And despite what men want to claim, everyone is aware of the Judgment of God, as well as the fact that they are worthy of death.

When a person’s body no longer has life, it has no effect on the existence of their soul; the body is temporal, the soul is eternal.  Upon the separation of your soul from your body, your eternal soul is subject to the judgement of God.

In Israel’s Masoretic Text Old Testament, God made provisions for Israel’s atonement for sins through Levitican Service and the blood of bulls and goats; a short-accounts system.  The only provision for gentiles in that age was to access God through Israel.  But Israel abandoned God and invented the religion of Judaism; the gentiles already had their various religions.  Israel was given a new opportunity for salvation in their Koine Greek Old Testament (Matthew thru John), and still, there were no gentiles allowed; gentiles still had to go through Israel. 

However, before the beginning of creation, God had already determined a provision for mankind’s redemption and salvation, Jew and gentile equally.  That provision was not disclosed until the Dispensation of Grace, through the apostle Paul and the Gospel of Grace (Romans thru Philemon).

People like to think that upon the death of their body, that it is the end of all of their problems, worries, and woes.  That is true if they are redeemed according to Rightly Divided Scripture.  But if they are saved through their religion or religious activities (another gospel), it is only the beginning of their eternal torment; the same as every atheist, agnostic, and religious person.

See also Gospel, Hell, Law, Redemption, Salvation, Sin, Soul

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