
RepentThe change of thinking, after the careful consideration of facts, which causes the abandonment and complete reversal of an original position.

God used this word in its various forms 112 times in Scripture: 46 times to Israel in their Masoretic Text Old Testament; 29 times to Israel in their Koine Greek Old Testament (Matthew-John); 5 times to Israel in the transition book of Acts; 6 times to the Body of Christ in the transition book of Acts; 9 times to the Body of Christ in the Gospel of Grace (Romans-Philemon); and 17 times to Israel in their tribulation books (Hebrews-Revelation).

When God repented that he made man it resulted in the flood, wherein a remnant was saved in the ark.

For Israel in the Masoretic Text Old Testament, they were called to repent from serving other gods and return to Levitican Service.

For Israel in their Gospel of the Kingdom (Koine Greek Old Testament, Matthew-John, and their tribulation books of Hebrews-Revelation) Israel was called to repent from serving religion (Judaism) and accept Jesus Christ as their messiah; being water baptized into the Little Flock – no gentiles allowed.  Israel’s Gospel of the Kingdom provides for their future redemption; “Repent and be baptized for the remission of sin”.  They must do works or righteousness and remain pure and faithful to the end: They can lose their salvation if they draw back from God or revert back to religion (backslide).

In the Dispensation of Grace, today, all people (Israel and gentiles equally) are called to repent from serving other gods and religion (including Christianity and Judaism) and begin to believe God Exclusively and Explicitly according to Rightly Divided Scripture.  In so doing, there are no rites, rituals, or works involved.  Today we have the Gospel of Grace (Romans-Philemon), wherein redemption is immediate and we become a New Creature; Saved by Grace, through Faith, plus nothing.  Being a New Creature, we cannot lose our salvation; once saved, always saved.

See also Ark, Convert, Creature, Dispensation, Faith, Gospel, Grace, Redemption Process, Remit

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