
BelieveTo accept something as being true; To feel sure of the truth of something.

Christianity tries to corner the market on this word, saying that if you accept their lie and sales pitch that you have redemption from God; a Believer.  Which is not true.

The truth is that everyone is a Believer.  You choose to believe whatever suits you … and not just religion.  You can believe that the earth is flat, but that does not make it true.  You can believe in Santa Clause, but that does not make it true.

Belief does not require faith, but faith produces belief.  However, salvation requires belief based on your faith according to what God is doing today.

The problem is that everyone, without exception, that believes in religion, especially Christianity, is believing a lie.  If you are believing a lie, salvation is not available to you.

If you are intent on serving God, you must believe God.  In believing God, you must do so according to Scripture.  According to II Timothy 2:15-16, you must do so according to the Scripture TO your dispensation; the age that you live in, that God instituted … and then flee the false doctrine of religion.

If you choose to deny God’s truth about the gospel of your salvation and the doctrine for your dispensation, and mix in whatever verses of God’s truth that were given to another dispensation, you have chosen to call God a liar and there are no provisions from God for your salvation or redemption.

You are a believer of something, everyone is.  Choose to believe the truth of God according to Rightly Divided Scripture and flee the false doctrine of Christianity and religion.

See also Christianity, Dispensation, Doctrine, Faith, Justified, King James Truth, Redemption, Salvation, Translation

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