
HellA place of suffering and torment in the lower-parts of the earth, beneath the land of the living, for the souls of the unrighteous-deceased being held for final judgment.

God used this word 50 times in Scripture; 27 times to Israel in their Masoretic Text Old Testament; 15 times to Israel in their Koine Greek Old Testament (Matthew thru John); Twice to Israel in the transition book of Acts; Never to the Body of Christ in the Dispensation of Grace (Romans thru Philemon); and 5 times to Israel in their tribulation books (Hebrews thru Revelation).

When referring to hell, people are really only concerned with the wrath of God; they don’t want the eternal torment and suffering that they know they deserve.

According to Scripture, Hell is not the same as Gehenna, Hades, Sheol, Perdition, Purgatory, the Bottomless Pit, or the grave.

And Hell is not the Lake of Fire: Hell gets cast into the Lake of Fire.  Hell, and the Lake of Fire, are the places where God pours out His wrath; His righteous recompense, righteous vengeance, and righteous punishment on unrepentant mankind.  The Lake of Fire is the location of final judgement for unrepentant mankind, which God has “prepared for the devil and his angels”.

The Devil, Satan, has never been to hell, and he will never go to hell.  During Christ’s millennial reign, he will be bound in the bottomless pit; at the end of the millennial reign of Jesus Christ, Satan will be cast into the lake of fire.

Christianity teaches that hell is reserved for evil people.  But Scripture teaches that it is filled with the unrepentant; the evil people as well as the nice, benevolent, kind, generous, loving people that rejected God’s truth for their dispensation.  The false doctrine of Christianity has intermingled and convoluted Scripture to confuse mankind; promoting themselves and preventing God’s salvation.  Because of religion, almost every Christian will end up in hell.

To escape the wrath of God, you must believe God Exclusively and Explicitly according to Rightly Divided Scripture, the gospel of your salvation, not religion.

The first death is the death of your physical body.  Your soul (the inner man) which is eternal, leaves the body, which returns to dust.  As for the soul,

  • The righteous soul will be taken into Abraham’s Bosom in Paradise, in the third heaven in the twinkling of an eye and sleep until the resurrection.
  • The unsaved soul never sleeps (fully conscious and aware of everything).  Their soul is taken in the twinkling of an eye into the torment of hell where it awaits the final judgement. 
    • After death and hell have been cast into the Lake of Fire at the end of the millennial reign of Christ, having suffered the torments of hell since their first death, the souls in hell will be judged at the Great White Throne Judgment by Christ and cast into the Lake of Fire, which is the second death … tormented away from the presence of the LORD.
  • During the millennial reign of Christ, there will be no burials, both body and soul of the offenders are cast into hell to await the Great White Throne Judgement.

See also Christian, Death, Gehenna, God, Hades, Jew, Perdition, Purgatory, Sheol, Soul

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