
BlasphemeTo slander, revile or hold God, Scripture or sacred things in contempt.

God used this word 59 times in Scripture: 19 times to Israel in the Masoretic Text Old Testament; 17 times to Israel in the Koine Greek Old Testament; 6 times in the transition book of Acts (5 of which are addressing the Jews); 7 times to the Body of Christ in the Dispensation of Grace; 10 time in the tribulation books (once to Israel in James 2 and 9 times in the book of Revelation).

The “sacred things” in Scripture that were blasphemed are only the articles that God instructed for Israel in the Temple.  At no time were any gentiles allowed.  Not then, and not today.

In the 14th century the Catholic Church redefined this word to include “the Church” and their “sacred things” [idols (medals and statutes), priests, doctrine, and sacraments].

The most common form of blaspheme today is the assigning of responsibility for a fault or wrong to God.  To hold God in contempt for a perceived fault or wrong.

Because of the false doctrine of Christianity, people think that when someone dies it is because God has taken them.  That teaching is completely slanderous.  But, because of this false doctrine, people blame God and hold Him in contempt.  Holding God in contempt, they then slander and revile Him.

Today, the modern definition has been watered-down to simply mean ‘blame’.

See also Accuse, Blame, Condemn, Contempt, Curse, Deity, Reproach, Revile, Slander

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