
Gainsay(tv) To contradict, deny, dispute, oppose; Speak or act against.

This word appears in its various forms 5 times in Scripture: Once to Israel in their Koine Greek Old Testament book of Luke; Once to Israel in the transition book of Acts; 2 times to the Body of Christ in the Gospel of Grace (Romans thru Philemon); and Once to Israel’s Little Flock in their tribulation book of Jude.

In Romans, after Israel has fallen and been temporarily set-aside by God, we are told that Israel has always been “disobedient and gainsaying people” in their relationship with God.

Today, in the Dispensation of Grace, Christianity is the gainsaying people.

They are versant in their church doctrine, customs, practices, beliefs, etc., but not in Rightly Divided Scripture.  They gainsay God’s institution of dispensations in ignorance and in defense of their religion.  Being that they cannot understand what God has so clearly revealed, they wrest the Scripture and desperately cling to the false doctrine of their religion.

We must study to know the truth of Scripture, without the jaded glasses of religion or a private agenda, in order to find what God so clearly revealed.  With the truth of Scripture being understood, there is nothing left to dispute or oppose.

See also Christian, Contradict, Dispensation, Doctrine, Oppose, Malignity, Study, Wrest

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