
BibleFrom bíblia in Latin and bíblos in Greek, it simply means large book.

The major sections within a large book (bible) were referred to as books.  The divisions within a book a large book were called chapters.

The word Bible never appears in Scripture.  God always refers to His word as Scripture, which he did 53 times: once in the Masoretic Text Old Testament in the book of Daniel; 29 times to Israel in their Koine Greek Old Testament; 23 times in the Dispensation of Grace, and 6 times to Israel in their tribulation books.

Israel’s Scripture (the Masoretic Text Old Testament) was written in Hebrew and Aramaic.  The division known today as the New Testament actually has three divisions.  Which are Israel’s Koine Greek Old Testament, the Gospel of Grace, and Israel’s New Testament.

Translation from the original languages to the English Authorized Version King James Bible was not an arbitrary process.  By proclamation of the King, the translation process was a public issue. 

King James The First established six Companies, which originally consisted of 54 men, of which only 47 actually accomplished the work of translation. 

The six Companies were located in three separate locations with two Companies at each location.

  1. The Westminster Companies consisted of 17 men total, 8 in each Company and one man overseeing both Companies.  The first Company, headed by Lancelot Andrews, was responsible for the translation of Genesis through II Kings.  The second Company, headed by William Barlow, was responsible for the translation of Romans through Jude.
  2. The Oxford Companies consisted of 15 men, 7 in each Company and one man overseeing both Companies.  The first Company, headed by John Harding, was responsible for the translation of Isaiah through Malachi.  The second Company, headed by Thomas Ravis, was responsible for the translation of Matthew through Acts and the book of Revelation.
  3. The Cambridge Companies consisted of 15 men, 7 in each Company and one man overseeing both Companies.  The first Company, headed by Edward Lively, was responsible for the translation of I Chronicles through Song of Solomon.  The second Company, headed by John Duport, was responsible for the translation of the apocrypha.

The guidelines for the translations as mandated by the King were known as Bancroft’s Rules, and the mandate read as follows.

Bancroft’s Rules to Be Observed in the Translation of the Bible

  1. The ordinary Bible read in the Church, commonly called the Bishops Bible, to be followed, and as little altered as the Truth of the original will permit.
  2. The names of the Prophets, and the Holy Writers, with the other names of the Text, to be retained, as nigh as may be, accordingly as they were vulgarly used.
  3. The old Ecclesiastical Words to be kept, viz. the Word Church not to be translated Congregation &c.
  4. When a word hath divers Significations, that to be kept which hath been most commonly used by the most of the Ancient Fathers, being agreeable to the Propriety of the Place and the Analogy of the Faith.
  5. The Division of the Chapters to be altered, either not at all, or as little as may be, if Necessity so require.
  6. No Marginal Notes at all to be affixed, but only for the Explanation of the Hebrew or Greek Words, which cannot without some circumlocution, so briefly and fitly, be expressed in the Text.
  7. Such Quotations of Places to be marginally set down as shall serve for the fit Reference of one Scripture to another.
  8. Every particular Man of each Company, to take the same Chapter, or Chapters, and having translated or amended them severally by himself, where he thinketh good, all to meet together, confer what they have done, and agree for their Parts what shall stand.
  9. As any one Company hath dispatched any one Book in this Manner they shall send it to the rest, to be considered of seriously and judiciously, for His Majesty is very careful in this Point.
  10. If any Company, upon the Review of the Book so sent, doubt or differ upon any Place, to send them Word thereof; note the Place, and withal send the Reasons, to which if they Consent not, the Difference to be compounded at the General Meeting, which is to be of the chief Persons of each Company, at the end of the Work.
  11. When any Place of special Obscurity is doubted of Letters to be directed, by Authority, to send to any Learned Man in the Land, for his Judgment of such a Place.
  12. Letters to be sent from every Bishop to the rest of his Clergy, admonishing them to this Translation in hand; and to move and charge as many as being skillful in the Tongues; and having taken Pains in that kind, to send his particular Observations to the Company, either at Westminster, Cambridge, or Oxford.
  13. The Directors in each Company, to be the Deans of Westminster and Chester for that Place; and the King’s Professors in the Hebrew or Greek in either University.
  14. These translations to be used when they agree better with the Text than with the Bishops Bible; Tyndale’s, Matthews, Coverdale’s, Whitchurch’s, Geneva.
  15. Besides the said Directors before mentioned, three or four of the most Ancient and Grave Divines, in either of the Universities, not employed in Translating, to be assigned by the Vice-Chancellor, upon Conference with the rest of the Heads, to be Overseers of the Translations as well Hebrew as Greek, for the better Observation of the 4th Rule above specified.

The translating process began in 1605 wherein each company divided the manuscripts to wit they were responsible, to the individuals in their respective company.  The individuals then worked on their assigned manuscript through 1606.  From 1607 through 1609, the company scrutinized the finished work of the individuals; the company then finalized their corporate work. 

The finalized work of each company was then submitted to the other two companies.  At this point each company possessed, reviewed, and scrutinized the finished work of the other two companies, thus each company had a completely translated Bible in its entirety. 

In 1610, at Stationers Hall, the final editorial conference was convened.  This was the only time that anyone received any payment for the work accomplished.  Two men from each company represented their respective company.  The entire work was read aloud a verse at a time.  This continued until an exception was raised.  The exception being resolved, the reading continued.  Through this process, 30% of the entire work was changed or revised.  These changes affected spelling, punctuation, and the use of adverbs; there were no overt textual changes necessary.

The apocrypha were determined to be “not Scripture” and was therefore not included in the Authorized Version King James Bible of 1611.  The translators determined that since the apocrypha are not found anywhere in the pure Hebrew Masoretic Text endorsed by Jesus Christ, in fact it was rejected by Jesus Christ, and is inconsistent with the Hebrew Masoretic Text, it is therefore not Scripture; the apocrypha are not of God and was not included in God’s Word, the Bible.  Nowhere in any true Hebrew Bible (the Hebrew Masoretic Text, which is the division commonly referred to by religion as the Old Testament) is the apocrypha found; it is an addition by the apostate and rebellious northern tribes of Israel and overtly rejected by Jesus Christ. 

The apocrypha are a fabrication by the apostate tribes of Israel that began around the time of Judges 17, before Israel had a king.  Following the time that Israel had a king, the apostate northern tribes continued to use the apocrypha (as we have already discussed), which they designed to promote their private agenda when they abandoned God. 

By the time of Christ, the Jews had included it but Christ rejected it.  It is not from God, and it is not by any stretch of the imagination Scripture.  The only reason for its consideration in the first place was to ensure that “since the Catholic Church declared that the apocrypha was more important than the total of all the other books in the Bible, that it be reviewed and the issue resolved”.  The conclusion of the issue is that ‘the apocrypha are not Scripture’; it was confirmed to be a writing produced by man; it is a forgery – it is not Scripture!  We can also make this conclusion today because of the statement of Christ in Luke 11:51

Luke 11:51 From the blood of Abel unto the blood of Zacharias, which perished between the altar and the temple: verily I say unto you, It shall be required of this generation.

As we discussed earlier, Christ’s statement not only includes all of the Masoretic Text Old Testament, but it also omits all of the apocrypha.  So according to Christ, who was aware of this addition by the apostate northern tribes, and subscribed to by the Jews, the apocrypha are not Scripture.

In 1611, the conference concluded, in total agreement, that the work was complete and accurate; it was ready for publication.  The entire translation process took six years.  It was open to the public by Royal mandate; it required the submission by all qualified persons as to the input of information and insight of the translated languages, as well as the submission of any personal work accomplished by all individuals to date.  This mandate required active participation by all of the available translators of previously published Bibles. 

It was not a secret or private undertaking by a special interest group; unlike all subsequent translations, transliterations, versions, or paraphrases that have been produced since, which have been conducted behind closed doors, in secret, until they hit the market.  The key word here is MARKET. 

Although the translators of the Authorized Version King James Bible of 1611 did not know what we now know concerning many of the doctrines contained in Scripture, they walked in the light that they had; they engaged the enemy in the battle at hand.  They produced a literal equivalent in the language of commerce, English, of what God had produced in the original languages, which is preserved through the multiplicity of copies.

The preface written by Miles Smith is a disclosure of the motives and intents of the translators.  In summary they are:

  1. Christ is the only means by which man can ever attain heaven.
  2. They had a strong desire to get the Word of God into the hands of the common people in the mother tongue of those people.
  3. They professed themselves as being insufficient scholars apart from God.
  4. They held that they were obedient to the ‘powers that be’, the King, James the First.
  5. They openly hated the pagan morality of Rome, the “Popeish persons”.
  6. They professed their awareness as being self-conceited brethren, unless hammered on their own anvil.
  7. They profess that they are handling ‘the very book of revelation given to man by God’, God’s literal words to man.

Since the first edition of the Authorized Version King James Bible of 1611, there have been six notable revisions to that original work. 

Claiming that there are changes to Scripture is simply a smokescreen by the persecutors of God, against the truth contained in the Authorized Version King James Bible of 1611, designed to ensnare humanity.

There were reprint corrections that appeared almost each year from 1611-1628.  Which, while correcting the spelling and typographical errors, they created similar mistakes of their own.  However, upon each correction they always reverted to the original.  They were not straying farther from the original; they were simply zigzagging between the original and attempted corrections.  Some of these corrections included:

  1. The 2nd Edition, the 1613 “She Bible” corrected the gender in Ruth 3:15
  2. The Bonham / Norton sabotage of 1631.  There were 1,000 Bibles printed that were missing the word “not” in the commandment concerning adultery. 
    • This was an intentional alteration by Norton (a former partner to Baker in the printing business) to cause injury to the King’s printer, Robert Baker.  All the Bibles were recovered and Mr. Baker was fined 600 Sterling Pounds for the error.  (Mr. Baker originally paid 16 Sterling Pounds for the privilege of being allowed to print the 1st edition.)
  1. The 1629, Cambridge University Press changed “that” to “and” in Romans 12:2.  Up to and including this point the original translators were still living and reviewing all work being done on the Authorized Version King James Bible of 1611.
  2. In 1762, Thomas Paris of Cambridge added 383 margin notes.  According to the Bancroft Rules, there were to be no margin notes, a clear violation.  By now, the original translators were dead and gone.  This was the first unquestioned attack on the Authorized Version King James Bible of 1611; similar attacks still occur today and remain unchallenged.
  3. In 1769, Benjamin Blaney of Oxford made 76 updates as to weights and coins.  These changes did not violate the Bancroft rules, or the rules of translation, and they do not alter the Word of God.
  4. From 1806-1813 the orthography was modernized to what we currently have in today’s printed version.  These consist of spelling modernizations and do not change the words; they only change the spelling to that of modern usage in 1813.

In 1852, following the completion of these corrections, the Octavo Reference Bible was published.  It is the standard King James Bible of 1611 in use today, and is referred to as the Authorized Version King James Bible of 1611.

During this process of translation, which was a public undertaking by the decree of King James the First, the Catholic Church raced forward in the production of their own version of a bible that justified their deviant doctrines and false teachings. 

The Catholic Church, believing that the first work published would carry the greatest weight of credibility, published the Douay English Old Testament in 1609.  That version was translated from the Latin Vulgate and (as we discussed earlier) is a transliteration by Jerome of the uncial manuscripts. They also included the apocrypha, but they only used 11 of the 15 original books.  Their hypocrisy knows no bounds. 

In essence, the Douay bible is only a republication of a former lie under a new name, but now in English.  The Catholic Church then combined the two into a single version, which is now known as the Douay-Rheims bible.  It contains the apocrypha (or at least most of it), which the Church still purports as being more valid and of greater importance than any other section or book in any bible. 

They continue to hold firm, and teach, that papal commentary is of greater value than any bible, including their own.  The Church revises their version periodically without notifying anyone, including their followers.  Since papal commentary is viewed as superior, and according to the Church only the priests can truly understand the bible, the changes are of no importance to the average person and therefore none of their business.

To further complicate and confuse the issue, some of the American Catholic Churches actually used the true Masoretic Text Old Testament but attached it to the corrupt Rheims New Testament, and included the apocrypha.

The assault on the Word of God did not end with the publication and authentication of the Authorized Version King James Bible of 1611.  The work of the Jesuits, by order of the Counsel of Trent, continues even today, though their tactics are subtler. 

The single issue of utmost importance today, as it has been since Genesis 3, is the corruption of the Word of God through the incorporation of counterfeit versions of bibles.  The mandate of the Counsel of Trent was, and is, to outlaw any Bible not approved by the Church.  The issues are one in the same, corruption of the truth.  

It seems that the issue would have been obvious and settled.  So, what happened after the Authorized Version King James Bible of 1611 was finished?

Of the many factions of modern Christians who dispute the Old Testament, the Catholics are of the greatest opposition.  They have produced their own version; it is not from the Hebrew Masoretic Text, although it is based on the Hebrew Masoretic Text.  They have not only engaged in the transliteration of the Word of God but added the transliterated apocrypha to it as well; the insertion of an entire section of corrupt Jewish making that contains several books.  The point of conflict universally remains with the New Testament, but they have corrupted the Word of God entirely.

The apocrypha were designed by the apostate priests in Israel to impeach the faithful Masoretic Text Old Testament stipulated by God.   Today Christianity uses it to support the false doctrine of ‘The Church’.  Although it is accepted by the masses, most of her daughters, granddaughters, and great granddaughters reject it.

Christianity has also produced variant works of the division known today as the New Testament, in an attempt to destroy the validity of the Word of God; generally the removal of distinctions between dispensations and specifically the Dispensation of Grace.  The transliterators of the variant works can be put into two groups: the modified Textus Receptus and the anti Textus Receptus.


The list, according to date, in producing counterfeits based on the Textus Receptus, is

Brian Walton (1600-1661)

John Fell (1625-1686)

John Mill (1645-1707)

Edward Wells (1667-1727) who published the first complete New Testament variant.

Richard Bentley (1662-1742)

Johann Bengel (1687-1752)

Jakob Wettstein (1693-1754)

Johann Seurler (1725-1791)

William Bowyer (1699-1777), and finally

In 1982, Zane Hodges and Arther Farstad went back to the works of Erasmus, Ximenis, Stephans, Beza, and the Elzeuir brothers calling their (Hodges and Farstad) work the Majority Text.  It doesn’t match the original Textus Receptus but instead returns to the first works of the translators of the Textus Receptus.  Their corruption is not the Byzantine text originally referred to as the Majority Text.  The motive for thus naming their personal work is simply an effort to give themselves credibility and cause confusion in debate concerning the original or the latter.  It is obvious that one or more of the following reasons tainted their work.  Either 

  1. They do not command the English language with the level of excellence that was common in the Golden Age of English … Therefore, they do not possess the ability to translate the manuscripts with any accuracy; or
  2. They do not command the original languages with any level of competence … Therefore, they do not possess the ability to translate the manuscripts with any accuracy; or
  3. They are driven by personal agendas and private doctrines … Therefore, they do not possess the honor or character to translate anything; or
  4. A combination of one or more of the elements above.

Each man was progressively building on the corrupt work of the ones preceding him.  Each man was intent on watering down the Word of God while casting dispersions and doubt on the Word of God, which in English, the language of commerce, is the Authorized Version King James Bible of 1611. 


Then the anti-Textus Receptus counterfeits came, the ones who totally abandoned the Textus Receptus.  It started with Johann Griesbach (1745-1812) who introduced “the family divisions of manuscripts” theory.

In an attempt to give religious credibility to the uncial manuscripts, John Griesbach divided all manuscript into four families.  These families are, according to him,

  1. Alex, which is the uncial from Egypt. It has the shorter reading; omitted text.
  2. Western, which is the uncial from Rome and Carthage.  It has a longer reading; added text.
  3. Caesarean, which is the uncial and is a derivative of the western from Rome.
  4. Syrian, which is the cursive from Antioch; with no additions or omissions.

Griesbach determined that the weight of credibility by numbers is the uncial.  Because, according to him, uncial has three families of manuscripts as opposed to the Syrian, which has only one family. 

What he did not disclose to the people in his “finding of credibility” is that the uncial, all three families combined and counted together, number as a whole only 267 manuscripts.  While the cursive manuscripts, which are contained in a single family, number at more than 2764 manuscripts.  His presentation of the credibility factor is obviously bias and misleading. 

A normal person who is interested in the truth will present the facts; uncial manuscripts contain a 267-manuscript witness and the cursive manuscripts have in excess of 2764-manuscript witness; those are the facts. 

To divide the manuscripts into family groups and give each family group equal status is a manipulation of the facts for the selling of a personal agenda.  In this case, the agenda is to destroy the Word of God.  Griesbach was followed by

Johann Scholz (1794-1852)

Karl Lachmann (1793-1851)

Dean Alford (1849)

Samuel Tregelles (1813-1875)

L. F. Constantin Von Tischendorf (1815-1874) who is credited with the discovery of the Symmachus manuscripts

Wordsworth (1870)

Runsers (1881) introduced the English Revised Version; he incorporated over 30,000 subtle changes to the New Testament of the Authorized Version King James Bible of 1611 in this version, and almost 6,000 changes to the Textus Receptus (Greek manuscripts).

Brooke Foss Wescott (1825-1901) and Fenton J. A. Hort (1815-1874) worked together.  In 1881-1882, they produced the first major transliteration of the New Testament based on the uncial manuscripts.  This is an approved version of bible by the Catholic Church.  It is called the Revised Version, and it is readily available today in almost any bible bookstore.

F. H. A. Scrivener (1886) is credited with the classification and listing of all manuscripts.  The three leading representatives of the uncial manuscripts, or critical text, (in uppercase block letters, classical Greek style, combined total of only 267 manuscripts) are Vaticanus, Symmachus, and Alexandriis.  He included the Syrian manuscripts (2678 manuscripts written in cursive Koine Greek) in his listing and classification as well but diminished their importance by endorsing Griesbach’s family groupings.

Weymouth (1886)

Weiss (1901) published the American Standard Bible from the critical text (uncial manuscripts), which is also available today in almost any bible bookstore.

Eberhard Nestle (1898-1963) revised the Catholic version, still using the critical text (uncial manuscripts) and in 1920, he published the Nestle’s Bible.

In 1952, men started hiding behind organizational names while producing variant texts; something the Catholics have always done.  As if the existence of an organization gives greater credibility, the International Council of Religious Education (a joint council between the Catholic Church and Protestant scholars in Great Britain, Canada, and the United States) produced a variant called the Revised Standard Version.  It is from the Alexandriis Manuscripts (uncial manuscripts), which subtract from the Syrian manuscripts used by the Authorized Version King James Bible of 1611 translators.  These organizations continue to meet on regular intervals, and produced another revised version in 1971.  If they were honest, they would call it the Revised Revised Standard Version, or the New Revised Standard Version.  But instead they just slipped it in under the wire, as if nothing happened.

In 1959, Gerrit Verkuyl assembled a staff of 20 seminary professors and produced his version of a bible.  He produced the New Testament portion himself and directed the transliteration of the Old Testament.  The finished product is The Berkley Version.

In 1965, the Lockman Foundation sponsored a committee of linguistic scholars to produce a new bible version, the Amplified Bible.  It is an admitted paraphrase, which is obviously not Scripture.

In 1966 the Catholic Church produced an English version and called it the Jerusalem Bible, to wit they included the apocrypha.

In 1970, a joint committee of various denominations in England, Scotland, Wales, and Ireland produced the New English Bible, which included the apocrypha.  The University Presses of Oxford and Cambridge assisted them.  Clearly, this bible meets all of the requirements of the Council of Trent and the Catholic Church.  It clearly does not meet the requirements of God; it is definitely not Scripture.

In 1971, the Lockman foundation of California again sponsored the production of a variant version bible, this time it was The New American Standard Version, which is a revision of the 1901 American Standard Version, which was a revision of Runsers English Revised Version of 1881.  Runsers 1881 English Revised Version incorporated over 30,000 subtle changes to the New Testament of the Authorized Version King James Bible of 1611, and almost 6,000 changes to the Textus Receptus (Greek manuscripts).

Also, in 1971, Kenneth N. Taylor produced a compilation paraphrase version, calling it the Living Bible.  A paraphrase is never Scripture.  At best it is barely a transliteration.  It is never the truth because it is never accurate or concise.  The most we can say to his credit is that he didn’t try to market the book as Scripture; he honestly stated it to be a paraphrase – a novel.

In 1976, the United Bible Societies collaborated with the American Bible Society and took credit for the work of Curt Aland, Matthew Black and Bruce Metzger when they combined the Wescott and Hort with the Nestle version; reintroducing the 1966 publication of The Good News Bible and marketing it as the Today’s English Version

In 1978, Zondervan Publishing House put the New International Version on the market.  The New International Version is clearly pro-homosexual, as is ‘The New King James Version’.  Both are transliterated from the Alexandrian Manuscripts (uncial manuscripts), which subtracts from the Syrian manuscripts used by the Authorized Version King James Bible of 1611 translators. 

One of the latest corruptions, introduced in 1982, is deceptively titled; it is the New King James Bible.  It is not even close to the Authorized Version King James Bible no matter what they want to print on the cover.  The New King James Version, transliterated from the Alexandriis manuscripts, is not the Word of God: it is not Scripture!  Don’t be fooled by the title!  The New King James Version contains over 100,000 changes to the Authorized Version King James Bible and is pro-homosexual.  However, it is an authorized bible by the standards of the Catholic Church and according to the Council of Trent.

As is consistent with the former group, each of these men progressively builds on the work of the ones preceding him.  Each man is intent on watering down the Word of God.  They incorporate not only subtle changes to the Textus Receptus in their versions of the New Testament, but execute entire deletions and additions as well.

The 1982, Zane Hodges and Arther Farstad work qualifies for this group as well.  If you recall, they went back to the works of Erasmus, Ximenis, Stephanus, Beza, and the Elzeuir brothers calling their work the Majority Text.  They deceptively titled their corruption to gain credibility by stealing the title of the original Syrian manuscript’s translation.  Their version doesn’t match the original Textus Receptus, but instead returns to the first works of the translators of the Textus Receptus and the original Majority Text, but now injecting similes and euphemisms instead of true translations.

Instead of accepting the Authorized Version King James Bible of 1611, or attempting to disprove it, they decided to start from scratch and reject everything already accomplished and proven.  They then falsely titled their work to cast doubt and dispersion on the original as well as assumed credibility for their own version.  It is obvious that one or more of the following reasons tainted their work.  Either  

  1. They do not command the English language with the level of excellence that was common in the Golden Age of English … Therefore, they do not possess the ability to translate the manuscripts with any accuracy; or
  2. They do not command the original languages with any level of competence … Therefore, they do not possess the ability to translate the manuscripts with any accuracy; or
  3. They are driven by personal agendas and private doctrines … Therefore, they do not possess the honor or character to translate anything; or
  4. A combination of one or more of the elements above.

The implication of their work declares that the Word of God is not available to anyone anywhere today, and that it has never been available in English – a blatant lie!  Because of this, the Hodges and Farstad work qualifies for both categories.

In 1990 a committee consisting of various denominations and both Catholic and Eastern Orthodox Christianity published the New Revised Standard Version.  It is from the Alexandriis Manuscripts (uncial manuscripts), which subtracts from the Syrian manuscripts used by the Authorized Version King James Bible of 1611 translators.

Fox’s Book of Martyrs records the activity of physical persecution by Christianity (the Church) all the way into the early 1800’s, but the work of the Jesuits became more subversive and subtler.  Don’t be fooled, they are still active today.  The Bible modifiers claim that the changes are to make the reading easier, update the language, and a myriad of other excuses to devalue the Word of God, which is exactly what the Catholic Church claimed when they produced the Latin Vulgate in 382 (A.D.). 

What is the truth?  The answer, and you can quote me, is that “they do it to accomplish Satan’s policy of evil against the Word of God according to Satan’s example for them in Genesis 3”.

The answer to the charge that “the Authorized Version King James Bible of 1611 is too difficult to read and understand today” is; “endeavor to achieve the standard, and don’t succumb to the vulgar”. 

The literary and speech style of the Authorized Version King James Bible of 1611 is in Bible language; it is from the literally translated Greek and Hebrew.  If you want to see the literary and speech styles of 1611 English you need only read the 1611 King James Bible preface, it is distinctly different.

In response to those who object to the ‘Ecclesiastical language’, specifically ‘ye’, ‘thee’, and ‘thou’, remember that the Word of God is in specific and direct language for specific and accurate usage.  God said exactly what He meant and He means exactly what he said.  Every word is exact, having a distinct and specific meaning.

The best way to handle genuinely archaic words is to study.  The Word of God explains and defines itself.  The greater majorities of words declared as archaic are not, most are found in common dictionaries and used as common vernacular by educated people. 

Thus, the truth of the matter is that, in most cases, the declaration by these people as to a word being archaic is nothing more than a declaration of their own ignorance and laziness.  If a word is truly archaic, its meaning needs to be taught and the listener elevated; ignorance should never prevail.

The real and more basic issue behind the objection that the Authorized Version King James Bible of 1611 as being a “poor translation” is because mankind wants to be the absolute and final authority.  It is simply an attempt to destroy the final and absolute authority of Scripture; of God.

John 1:1 In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.

And there are consequences for denying God’s rejecting God as the final and absolute authority.

Romans 1:21 Because that, when they knew God, they glorified him not as God, neither were thankful; but became vain in their imaginations, and their foolish heart was darkened.

No one disbelieves or rejects the Authorized Version King James Bible of 1611 unless taught to do so by someone in trust; be it a relative, a friend, or religion.  If somehow you missed it, review the evidence.

Since the introduction of the Authorized Version King James Bible of 1611 there has been spelling modernization, punctuation improvement, chapter summaries added, margin notes added, italics added, parallel reference additions, but no textual modifications; in essence – no textual changes. 

Does that mean that since there are no overt or blatant changes that the changes do not exist?  That depends on perspective.  If you are a determined Bible Believer, the answer is yes, there are changes. 

The religious climate of today is not intent on truth.  Their agenda is not whether additions and deletions should be made, but only how much and where. 

The subtle changes to the Authorized Version King James Bible of 1611 are there; the subtle corruption of the Word of God is exemplified in various forms, such as

Margin notes – men explaining what they think God really meant, driven by a private agenda.  They are introducing the climate for spiritualized readings and cast doubt on the Scripture while producing mini-seminaries for denominational purposes.  Margin notes are not Scripture; it is what the writer wants to believe.

Red Letters – the truth is that God spoke every word in the Bible, not just the ones in red.  The coloring of some passages gives the impression that they are more significant than other uncolored words.  The truth is that this implication leads to wrong division and devalues the remaining uncolored words.  God is equal to His Word, every one of them, no matter what color you print them in.

Definitions – they may be accurate, they may not.  In most instances the definitions found in the margin of your Bible are ‘similes’; a watered-down substitute of the true word.  They are included to destroy the full value of the Word of God.  The Word of God defines itself; always trust the Word, always question the men.

Study notes by the publisher (commentaries) – are either what the writer of the notes learned in seminary or the vehicle they use to advance their own agenda, most of which are completely wrong.  If they were correct, I wouldn’t have to show you the pitfalls.  The study outlines found in the various bibles are one of the major pitfalls.  They are designed to walk you down the garden path for denominational purposes, designed as mini-denominational seminaries, and they are snares for your destruction.

Chapter summaries and outlines – these are mini-commentaries that the publisher includes in order to set the stage and prepare your mind to receive the denominational agenda that they are promoting.  All of the elements of the study note category seen above also apply here; it is just a subtler approach.

Parallel Reference Additions – the added parallel references are usually included in order to steer you away from the truth.  By chasing you around the Bible and introducing you to non-applicable verses, you are required to incorporate spiritualized speculation in order to make any connection whatsoever.  People embrace the spiritualized inclusion of these verses because no one wants to be considered ignorant: they become a fool just by trying to look like they are not.  Since it is nearly impossible to determine which references are added as subterfuge, you must always study with pure intent and let the Scripture define and explain itself.

These are only a few examples, pay attention as you study and you will notice more.  Christianity is big business, so buyers beware.

See also Dispensation, Translate, Transliterate, Paraphrase,  Scripture, Vulgar, Ye

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