Apocrypha / Septuagint / LXX

Septuagint aka LXX, aka ApocryphaA Jewish fabrication by Origenes, touted as God’s word, that is included in some Jewish-sect bibles and promoted by the Catholic Church.

The story behind the LXX (Septuagint or Apocrypha) (The operative word here is ‘story’).  The story states that six true devout orthodox Jews, which Origenes calls the ‘Elders of Moses’, from each of the 12 tribes of Israel were gathered together and spent 72 days translating the Masoretic Text Old Testament for the Pharaoh of Egypt, supposedly 250 years before Christ.

Let’s look at the obvious errors in the story.  (It is important to remember that Israel’s corrupt religious system is Judaism.  Origenes is invoking man’s ignorance of Israel’s corrupt religious system in order to accomplish and justify his further corruption.)

  1. The translators in Israel’s corrupt religion were in fact ‘orthodox’ (Conforming to what is generally or traditionally accepted as right or true; established and approved), but they had nothing to do with God.  If we look at the period 250 years prior to Christ,
    • It is the Maccabean age; during the 400-years of God’s silence; between the Masoretic Text Old Testament books of Malachi and the Koine Greek Old Testament Matthew.
    • Egypt was no longer a nation of influence in the world.
    • Israel was already in apostasy and divided
  2. 6 x 12 = 72 but they are referred to as “the 70 elders of Moses”; this claim is a blatant fabrication because
    • 72 is obviously not 70; maybe he should have called it the 70 or-so-ish elders.
    • The 70 elders of Moses are not what became the governing body of Israel known as the Sanhedrin, which was established in the Maccabean age.
      • Moses used men, elders, following the advice of his father in-law in Exodus 18:13-25, but there is no mention as to how many there were, and this occurred centuries before the Jews Sanhedrin existed.
      • In Numbers 11, as directed by God, Moses gathered 70 elders that God filled with the same spirit that He filled Moses with, and were subsequently referred to thereafter in Scripture as the elders.  But this is not the Sanhedrin that the Jews invented in the Maccabean age.
    • Even if we wink at these errors, and give him the benefit of the doubt, there is additional conclusive evidence of his attempted deception.
  3. God ordained that only the Levites are to handle the Masoretic Text Old Testament Word of God.  Origenes claims that there were six elders from each of the 12 tribes, so none of the Israelites were Levites; Levites are not numbered among the tribes of Israel.
    • The tribe of Levi was set apart unto God and not numbered as one of the 12 tribes (Numbers 1:47-50, 3:5-13, Deuteronomy 10:8, 18:1, Joshua 13:14, 18:7).
    • The numbering of the 12 tribes of Israel is accomplished by the house of Joseph being divided and given a double portion.  One portion was originally that of the tribe of Levi, and the other was that of the tribe of Joseph. The tribe of Joseph was divided into the tribe of Manasseh and the tribe of Ephraim (Numbers 34:23-24, Joshua 14:4) to replace the tribe of Levi in the numbering of the tribes of Israel.
    • Therefore, there were no Levites involved and we are back to the 72 corrupt Jews.  But, if there were Levites involved, there are now 13 tribes; Origenes has either denied the truth of Scripture by rejecting God’s divisions according to Numbers, Deuteronomy, and Joshua, or there were 78 men involved.
    • Thus, the third point is also a lie.
  4. Because non-Levites involved themselves in handling the Word of God, they could not have been devout to God.  Thus, the fourth point is also a lie.  In fact …
  5. If any men from the tribe of Levi participated, they would have to have been apostate in order to allow this to happen.  Therefore, we can conclude that it did not happen if in fact any of them were devout; if it did happen, they too were not devout men of God.  Again, this obvious fabrication capitalizes on the ignorance of the listener.
  6. The statement that the 70 elders are Jews puts the entire work in question.  God has determined several distinctions in Scripture.
    • God’s distinction of “Jew” is the identification of Israel’s corrupt religious organization that began in II Kings 16; they make a pretense of serving God through ceremonial formalism while denying God in truth (John 7:1, Galatians 1:13-14, Titus 1:14).  The three denominations of Judaism are the Pharisees, the Sadducees, and the Herodians; none of which were endorsed by God.
    • God’s distinction in Scripture pertaining to those in Israel who serve God in truth (doing God’s ordained ceremonies through faith) is Hebrew.
    • God’s general term for those with a bloodline to Abraham, with no distinction of service to God, either faithful or pretentious, is Israelite.

In conclusion of this issue, the LXX is a product of Origenes himself and a misrepresentation as to being a true translation.  Origenes is the grandfather of corruption; his work is an obvious misrepresentation of the Word of God; a transliteration at best, but in fact, a total fabrication.

See also Bible, Christian, Hanukkah, Jew, Sanhedrin, Transliteration

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