
FearUneasiness, anxiety, and/or agitation caused at the presence or possibility of danger.

God used this word in its various forms 524 times in Scripture: 403 times to Israel in their Masoretic Text Old Testament; 53 times to Israel in their Koine Greek Old Testament (Matthew thru John); 8 times to Israel in the transition book of Acts; 8 times to the Body of Christ in the transition book of Acts; 21 times to the Body of Christ in the Gospel of Grace (Romans thru Philemon); and 30 times to Israel’s Little Flock in their tribulation books (Hebrews thru Revelation).

Fear is an emotional response that is only real to the person experiencing it.  Panic, which is a word that never occurs in Scripture, refers to a frantic, unreasoning fear, often one that spreads quickly and leads to irrational, aimless action.

Fear and pain are good things.  Pain lets you know that what you are doing will result in damage or destruction of your body.  Fear, which God tells us to have of Him, guides you to think and act appropriately, thus saving you from God’s vengeance.  When a person fears God, they will do what God instructs in order to avoid the penalties associated with improper behavior.

Passages regarding the ‘Fear of God’ and ‘Fear the Lord’ occur 50 times in Scripture.  In the 1400s the Catholic Church introduced a covert corruption of Scripture associated with these passages by introducing the concept of “Regard with reverential awe” as part of the definition of fear.  In the ‘Great Revival’ era of 1759 that began in England, the ‘Hell-fire and Brimstone’ revival preachers of modern Christianity fortified this corrupt concept.

Christianity’s false doctrine removes the fear of God by teaching that God’s love is unconditional, which is a lie.  The truth of Scripture is that God’s provision for redemption is unconditional, but His love is reserved for the Agency that He Instituted for each dispensation.  If you want God’s love, you have to fear Him and become a member of His agency for your Dispensation.

Christianity is NOT God’s agency: Christianity is a corrupt religious organization invented by men.  To further understand, read The Truth According to Scripture: Book One: Basic Bible Knowledge.

See also Alarm, Christian, Corrupt, Dispensation, Dread, Fright, Revival, Terror

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