Corruptions of Scripture

The Authorized Version King James Bible of 1611 being the truth, what about the other versions?  With the multitude of versions to choose from, I cannot hope to cover them.  However, using some of the most popular variant versions I can show you what to look for and how to look.

Let’s look at some of the obvious errors.  There are well over 100,000 word changes in the variant versions (destruction of Scripture), most of which occur in the New Testament.

The simplest test is in Genesis 1:1.  Look at the word heaven, it must be singular.  If your version says heavens, plural, you already know that you have errors in your version; it is not the Word of God.

  • They impune creation and open the door for the false teachings of evolution; Genesis 1:1 changed “In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth” to “In the beginning of creation, when God made”.  To point out the obvious difference between creating, which is to begin with absolutely nothing and produce a tangible article, as opposed to making which is to start with the tangible physical materials and by forming them or fabrication you convert them into something else.  This change is an obvious attack on the doctrine of creation.  Some versions reword the passage to remove or impune its validity.
    • The New English Bible
    • The Living Bible
  • They question the virgin birth of Christ; in Isaiah 7:14 the word “virgin” is changed to “young woman”.  Some versions contain footnotes in Matthew 1:16 to further attack the virgin birth.
    • The Good News Bible
    • The New English Bible
    • The Revised Standard Version
  • They destroy the doctrine of the eternity of the triune Godhead by declaring that Christ is not part of eternity past; in Micah 5:2 the word “everlasting” is changed to “ancient times” which limits Christ’s existence to that of recorded history.
    • The Good News Bible
    • The New English Bible
    • The New American Standard Version
    • The New International Version
    • The Revised Standard Version
  • They impune the virgin birth of Christ; Matthew 1:25 “firstborn son” is changed to “a son”, without the virgin birth there is no sinless Christ.  Some versions footnote Matthew 1:16 as well.  The Mormons use this teaching to include Lucifer as the evil brother of Christ.  John 3:16 is clear; Christ is the only begotten Son!
    • The New American Standard Version
    • The Revised Standard Version
  • It removes evidence concerning Christ’s redemptive work; Matthew 18:11 is completely omitted and in Luke 9:56 they omit “For the Son of man is not come to destroy men’s lives, but to save them.”
    • The New International Version
  • They reduce Christ to being a mere mortal, sinful man; Matthew 19:16-17 “Good Master” is changed to “teacher”, as well as the question by Christ being changed from the declarative “Why callest thou me good?” (Which is to say, “How did you conclude that I am God?”) To implying that Christ is stating that He is equally sinful, and not God, and does not know what is good any more than any other sinful man, “why do you ask Me what is good?”.  This verse also undermines the final authority of God as well, by changing the imperative “shall” in the question to a subjective “must”; the word “shall” is not negotiable, it is an unwavering definite; the word “must” is a variable, it leaves room for personal modification, it is suggestive not imperative.  To clearly restate the question in the original it would be ‘what exactly are the detailed instructions for me?’  The restatement of the changed version would be ‘can you give me some idea of what my minimum expectations might be?’  The questions are as different as night and day, just by changing a single word!
    • The Good News Bible
    • The New American Standard Version
    • The Revised Standard Version
  • It denies the physical bodily return of Christ; Matthew 25:13 “wherein the Son of man cometh” is omitted and the verse is rewritten.
    • The New International Version
  • The editorial note inserted casts doubt on the Scripture, the manuscripts referenced to by the publisher are of the most corrupt in existence, as well as being of minority in numbers (remember that preservation is through the multiplicity of copies); Mark 16:20.
    • The New International Version
    • The Revised Standard Version
  • It undermines the virgin birth and Divine Conception as well as whose Son Christ actually is; Luke 2:33 is changed from “Joseph and his mother” to “the child’s father and mother”.
    • The New International Version
  • They remove the reference to the bodily resurrection of Christ; Luke 24:40 is reduced to an editor’s margin note or put into parenthesis, or it is deleted from the variant entirely.  If Christ is not bodily resurrected, there is no hope of our being resurrected, which discredits not only the New Testament teachings, but the promise given to Israel through Abraham is also removed; all hope is eliminated.  This is the basic teaching of Israel’s Sadducees.
    • The New American Standard Version
    • The Revised Standard Version
  • It removes the bodily ascension and resurrection of Christ into heaven, which destroys the doctrine of the rapture and our hope of eternity; Luke 24:51 is changed from “And it came to pass … He was parted from them, and carried up into heaven” to “And it came about … He parted from them”.  The original passage indicates that as time passed, He was separated from them because of an event; the event was that he was carried up into heaven.  The changed version indicates that something happened and Christ just went away.  This leaves the questions of what incident occurred to cause Christ to just up-and-leave, and where did He go when He willfully and intentionally parted from them?  There certainly is no hope whatsoever for us in the changed passage; it is a blatant attack on the Word of God.
    • The New American Standard Version
  • They attack who exactly Christ is in relationship to God, leaving room for the Mormon philosophy of Lucifer and Christ being brothers, the ying and yang of God; John 1:14 and John 3:16 change “the only begotten son” to “the only son”, this is a good example of the effects of a transliteration, it is by no means a translation.
    • The New English Bible
    • The New International Version
  • They broaden the parameters of faith to that of believing in, or on, anything or anyone, not exclusively in Christ; John 6:47 changes “believeth on Me” to “believes”.  According to the changed version, someone could teach that apples are better than oranges and if you believe it, you qualify for God’s mercy and grace; it removes the deity of Jesus Christ.
    • The New American Standard Version
    • The New International Version
    • The Revised Standard Version
  • They destroy the Son-ship of Christ; John 6:69 it changes “the Son of the living God” to “the Holy One”.  In the Hebrew nation, a Holy One could be a Scribe, Pharisee, Priest, or Prophet; this change destroys the deity of Christ, which is exactly what Israel did; and God rejected them for doing so.
    • The Good News Bible
    • The New American Standard Version
    • The Revised Standard Version
  • They deny that Christ is the Son of God in John 9:35, by changing “Son of God” to “Son of Man” in this context.
    • The Good News Bible
    • The New American Standard Version
    • The New International Version
  • It denies the bodily ascension of Christ; John 16:16 they omit “I go to the Father” and reword the entire verse.
    • The New International Version
  • It denies the Son-ship of Christ to God; Acts 3:13 changes “his Son Jesus” to “his servant Jesus”.  If Christ is not the Son of God, under what premise are you saved?  The design by God to teach behold Christ the servant (as we discussed earlier) was accomplished by God giving the book of Mark.  The changing of Scripture is a direct attack on God and His supreme authority; it diminishes the book to that of simply being a novel.
    • The New International Version
  • It elevates man and diminishes God; they change Ephesians 1:18 from “and what the riches of the glory of his inheritance in the saints” to “God has been made rich because we who are Christ’s have been given to him”.  This restatement results in changing ‘our enrichment by Christ’s inheritance’ to ‘our great value has made God rich, He is lucky to have us’ – it elevates man and displaces God.
    • The Living Bible
  • It contradicts the book of Acts and the setting aside of Israel by God, which nullifies grace by discounting the testimony of God, and it destroys the distinction of the Dispensations and impunes the Gospel of Grace given to us through Paul and prevents God’s redemption of heaven, they add “Israel” to the passage in Ephesians 3:6.
    • The New International Version
  • It not only removes Christ from the creation process, it impunes creation completely; in Ephesians 3:9 they replace “who created all things by Jesus Christ” with “he who made all things”.  Again, the differences between create and made should grab your attention.
    • The Living Bible
  • It puts the ability to be righteous in man as well as stating that to be good has standing with God; Ephesians 4:24 is changed from “created in righteousness and true holiness” to “you must be a new and different person, holy and good”.  This is totally impossible for man to accomplish and has no standing with God.  God alone is righteous; we are considered righteous because of our standing in Christ.  It is vanity to believe that man has the power to become righteous on his own.  They have made a similar change in Philippians 1:11.  The purpose is to elevate man and dethrone God.
    • The Living Bible
  • It reduces Christ from deity to that of a mere mortal sinful man, it removes His title and presents Him as an equal; in I Corinthians 15:47 “Lord” is changed to “man”.
    • The New American Standard Version
  • They reject the incarnation, the birth of Christ; I Timothy 3:16 changing “God was manifest in the flesh” to Christ being an apparition “he appeared in human form”, or “he appeared in a body” as if Christ took possession of someone’s body as the demons did.  Some versions also change “God” to “he”, which denies the deity of Christ as well.
    • The Good News Bible
    • The New American Standard Version
    • The New International Version
    • The Living Bible
  • It destroys the deity of Christ, His being equal with God; Philippians 2:5-6 where “not robbery to be equal with God” is changed to “did not consider equality with God something to be grasped”.  This change results in Christ who is equal with God in the original being reduced to that of the most wretched sinner who cannot fathom the concept of Son-ship.
    • The New International Version
  • It dilutes the doctrine of Inspiration and puts the Scripture in doubt, left up to the reader to pick-and-choose whatever makes them feel good.  It makes man the final and absolute authority, thus it dethrones God and puts man in His place; II Timothy 3:16 changes “All Scripture is given by inspiration of God”, which is a clear statement and all inclusive as to what is contained in Scripture (God breathed), to “Every Scripture inspired by God is profitable” which leaves in doubt as to which, if any, of the passages, words, books, sections, etc. are really inspired by God and what, if not all, is inserted by men.  It is designed to destroy the final authority of God and provide latitude for man to pick-and-choose whatever allows them to feel good.
    • The New American Standard Version
  • They remove the method by which redemption is possible; the word “blood” has been replaced by the word “death” or “sacrifice” in at least 16 places, as seen in I Peter 1:18-19, Ephesians 1:7, Colossians 1:14.  Without the blood, there is no redemption!
    • The Good News Bible
    • The New English Bible
    • The New International Version
    • The Revised Standard Version
  • It promotes Catholicism; James 5:16 changes “confess your faults one to another” to “confess your trespasses to one another”.  This change results in replacing the teaching of the believer, being honest about their shortcomings, into a practice of seeking the forgiveness by men – the Catholic confessional.  The teaching of this practice in the Dispensation of Grace is religious misappropriation; this verse has nothing to do with the Body of Christ, it is to Israel’s Little Flock for use in the 70th week of Daniel.
    • The New King James Version
  • It dilutes and misstates atonement; I John 2:2 is changed from “propitiation for our sins” to “remedy for the defilement of our sins”.  The word propitiation means to totally satisfy, to pay in full leaving nothing of the debt or obligation.  The word remedy means to fix or repair; there is no comparison to the true meanings of the words, an obvious transliteration.  The passage of the original states that the redeemed are free from the cause and effect of the eternal implication of sin, the changed version states that sin made mankind sick and Christ will make them well with the true issue of sin remaining unchanged.  This concept will result in your next sin making you sick again, and the price paid by Christ will have to be paid again, every time you sin.  On how many separate occasions will Jesus Christ have to return to the cross just to make you better again – it is a lie.  The price was paid once, and for all, and the issue therefore is resolved.  The change reinforces the false doctrine of backsliding taught by the Pentecostals. Furthermore, the changed verse states “remedy for the defilement of our sins”, which means that our sins have been defiled, not us.  If they intended to mean that our sins defile us then the sentence needs to be read ‘defilement by’ not ‘defilement of’.
    • The New English Bible
  • It promotes homosexuality; in Deuteronomy 23:17, I Kings 14:24, 15:12, 22:46, II Kings 23:27 the words “sodomite” or “sodomites” are replaced with “shrine prostitute” or “male shrine prostitutes”.  In addition, they change II Peter 3:16 to a justification of homosexuals.
    • The New International Version
    • The New King James Version

The variant versions are designed to destroy the final authority of God, to impune Christ (the second person in the triune Godhead), the virgin birth, the fact that God was among us and suffered as we do, shared our infirmities, shed his blood for our redemption, was bodily transformed, and literally resurrected. 

This is just to name a few, just scratching the surface.  The variant versions are obviously lying; blatant attacks on the Word of God; certainly not the truth by any stretch of the imagination!  If that isn’t bad enough, they also promote homosexuality and access to heaven by everyone without regard to Christ or the precepts and doctrine contained in the Word of God.

As for The New King James Version, in addition to some of the elements above, it is easier to list the discrepancies by categories.  These changes are in addition to the deadly footnotes and margin references designed by men to devalue and nullify the Word of God.  Though they are subtle, they are as equally destructive as the obvious alterations, which are the word changes, additions, and subtractions.  For example, the word

  1. “LORD” is omitted 56 out of 6,668 usages.
  2. “God” is omitted 34 out of 3,878 usages.
  3. “JEHOVAH” is completely removed.
  4. “Heaven” is omitted 48 out of 550 usages.
  5. “Hell” is omitted 22 out of 54 usages.
  6. “Blood” is omitted 18 out of 375 usages.
  7. “Repent” is omitted 11 out of 43 usages.
  8. “New Testament” is completely removed.
  9. “Damnation” is completely removed.
  10. “Master” is replaced with the word “teacher” in 5 places.
  11. “Lord” is replaced with “Sir” in Matthew 18:26.
  12. “Worshiping Him” is replaced with “bowing down” in Matthew 20:20.
  13. “Son Jesus” in Acts 3:13,26 and “child Jesus” in Acts 4:27,30 are replaced with “Servant Jesus”.
  14. “Jesus” is completely omitted in Mark 2:15

Again, this is just scratching the surface.

The destruction of Scripture evidenced above is not arbitrary.  They are in compliance with Satan’s policy of evil, which he established in Genesis 3, which was fortified by the mandate of the Council of Trent.  The Church remains actively involved in the control of the masses and the promotion of Satan’s policy of evil against the Word of God.

Just because a book is titled “Bible” does not mean that it is Scripture; there is a very distinct difference.  No one disbelieves or rejects the Authorized Version King James Bible of 1611 unless taught to do so by someone in trust; be it a relative, a friend, or religion. 

The evidence is in.  The verdict …?  Guilty as charged. 

With all the pressure by modern Christians to “get saved”, be “born again”, or “know Jesus” how are you to survive the deceptions and pitfalls?  The answer is to study. 

However, if you study using corrupt text, corrupt commentaries, and corrupt teachers, your study will lead you into corruption – utter destruction.  With this being true, how should you study? Of course, according to II Timothy 2:15-16.

See also Faith,Inspiration, Study

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