
ChristThe Greek form of the Hebrew word Messiah, Jehovah’s anointed one.

The full title “Lord Jesus Christ” occurs 578 times: never before the book of Acts; once to Israel in the transition book of Acts; 6 times to the Body of Christ in the transition book of Acts; 68 times to the Body of Christ in the Dispensation of Grace; 10 times to Israel in the tribulation books of Hebrews-Revelation.

The reason that the word ‘Christ’ never occurs before the book of Acts is because it is the Greek form of the Hebrew word Messiah, Jehovah’s anointed one.

Jesus is the Christ, Israel’s promised redeemer, Jehovah’s anointed one, as foretold in Israel’s Masoretic Text Old Testament (Luke 1:67-80).

See also Anoint, Jesus, Lord, Messiah, Redeem

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