
ChildA human being between conception and maturity.

God used this word over 2,038 times in its various forms.

The word child is a generic term without determination of a specific age.  Even though the singular usage generally refers to the age between conception and maturity, a person’s offspring of any age is also referred to as their child.

The plural of the word is children, which also denotes the descendants of any age regarding a family or people, i.e., children of Israel, children of God, children of wrath, etc.

A child is also considered to lack knowledge and understanding, or to have limited knowledge and understanding, as in I Corinthians 13:11.  Because of a child’s lack of knowledge, understanding, experience, etc., they often do not speak or act appropriately.  The inappropriate actions and talking are called childish.  At some point, a child is supposed to grow up and become independent; become mature and stand on their own.

Many adults, especially in Christianity, never put away childish things.  They insist on being carried and hand-fed.  They resist knowledge, and they never come to an understanding of truth.  They may have an intense understanding of their Religion (doctrine, customs, rituals, rites, traditions, beliefs, etc.), but they never come to the knowledge and understanding of the truth of God according to Scripture.

Being led by the hand into false doctrine, they never learn the actual truth of God … according to Scripture.  Therefore, God’s salvation is never really available to them.  Because they trust their religion, their salvation has to come from men, not from God.

See also Baby/Babe, Boy, Christian, Damsel, Girl, Grown, Infant, Lad

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