
CharityKindness and tolerance.

God used this word 28 times in Scripture: never to Israel in the Masoretic Text Old Testament; never to Israel in the Koine Greek Old Testament; never in the transition book of Acts; 21 times to the Body of Christ in the Gospel of Grace; and 7 times to Israel’s Little Flock in the tribulation books of Hebrews thru Revelation.

Christianity redefines charity to simply mean love, which is wrong.

There are 2 elements in charity: kindness and tolerance: love is not an element of charity.  If either element is missing then it is no longer charity: kindness without tolerance is simply kindness: tolerance without kindness is simply tolerance, and neither one of them is love.

According to Presumed Public Knowledge, “welfare” has become synonymous with charity.  But charity has nothing to do with giving or receiving assistance.

See also Kind, Longsuffering, Love, Lovingkindness, Lust, Passion, Tolerant

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