
Baptize – God’s method of identifying people that belong to Him; the washing of priests in preparation for temple service.

When people hear the word baptism, they have a knee-jerk reaction of “water”.  But water is only one of at least 5 kinds of baptism.  In Matthew 3:11 we see baptism with Water, the Holy Ghost, and Fire … all in just one verse.  Three different and distinct baptisms.

Matthew 3:11 I indeed baptize you with water unto repentance: but he that cometh after me is mightier than I, whose shoes I am not worthy to bear: he shall baptize you with the Holy Ghost, and with fire:

In the 1300s religion (the Catholic Church) rejected God’s definition and claimed that this word means “Initiatory sacrament of the Christian faith, consisting of immersion in or application of water by an authorized administrator and given a name.”.  Today, their water rite is sprinkling and christening.

Then in the 1400s, because of denominational conflicts, the Catholic Church changed the meaning again … “Any ceremonial ablution as a sign of purification, dedication, etc.”

In Scripture, the word “baptize”, in any of it’s forms (baptize, baptized, baptism, Baptist, etc.) did not appear until Israel’s Koine Greek Old Testament; Matthew 3.

God used this word 115 times: never in Israel’s Masoretic Text Old Testament; 70 times to Israel in the Koine Greek Old Testament; 18 times to Israel in the transition book of Acts (Acts 1-13); 9 times through Paul in the transition book of Acts; 16 times to the Body of Christ, wherein it is clear that there is no physical baptism in the  Dispensation of Grace (I Corinthians 1:17, 12:13, Ephesians 4:5, Colossians 2:10-12); and twice to Israel in the tribulation books of Hebrews and I Peter.  Wherein, again, Israel’s salvation requires water baptism (repent and be baptized for the remission of sin).

Even though this word does not appear in Scripture until Matthew 3:1, according to I Corinthians 10:1-2, the first baptism performed was a dry baptism of the children of Israel BY Moses in Exodus 14:19-22; the birth of Israel as a nation.  The first water baptism was the washing of priests, which began in Exodus 29:4 and 30:17-21 and became part of Israel’s law.

The baptism of John is to and for Israel only, it is water baptism; identification into Israel’s Little Flock Church.  Water baptism requires that Jews repent and be baptized for the remission of sin (Mark 1:4); cleansing for preparation as a kingdom of priests, an Holy Nation … according to prophecy (Exodus 19:6, I Peter 2:9) – no gentiles allowed.

Jesus was baptized twice.  His first was by John the Baptist with water in Matthew 3:13-17.  Being sinless, instead of repentance He was identified as the shepherd of Israel’s Little Flock.  His second baptism was by men with His death on the cross (Matthew 20:22-23, Romans 6:3), wherein He was identified as the Son of God and confirmed as Israel’s promised messiah and redeemer.

Paul was baptized WITH the Holy Ghost by God in Acts 9:17, and then was baptized WITH water by Ananias into Israel’s Little Flock in Acts 9:18 (reversed order).

BY and WITH are different.

Baptism WITH water is done BY men and is an Israel only baptism; identification into Israel’s Little Flock Church and cleansing in preparation for service as priests; no gentiles allowed.

Israel also had, and will have, baptism WITH the Holy Ghost done BY Jesus, which gives them the power and authority to serve as a Kingdom of Priests; no gentiles allowed.  The first instance of being baptized with the Holy Ghost by Jesus occurred in Acts 2 and then again in Acts 8:16.

Israel is also going to have a baptism WITH fire BY Jesus following their great tribulation, wherein all of Israel will be saved and enter into their promised kingdom as priests.  All of Israel will be saved because any Israelite that is not in the Church the Little Flock when Jesus returns will be killed by Jesus (Matthew 3:12).  The Church the Little Flock is the kingdom of priests in the Dispensation of the Kingdom.  Again, there are no gentiles allowed. 

Today, in the Dispensation of Grace, people that believe God Exclusively and Explicitly according to Rightly Divided Scripture (the Gospel of Grace, Romans – Philemon) are instantly redeemed and baptized BY the Holy Spirit INTO Christ (Romans 6:3-4); all men, Jews and gentiles equally (I Corinthians 12:13).  Being baptized today is wherein the Holy Spirit places the redeemed into the Church the Body of Christ (I Corinthians 12:27) and identifies them with the death and burial of Jesus Christ (Ephesians 4:4-6, Colossians 2:11-12).  In the Dispensation of Grace there is no remission of sin.  Being in Christ is to be in the Church the Body of Christ (Colossians 1:17-18, 24).  It is not a place you attend or something you can just emotionally get involved in.  The only way to become a member of the Body of Christ is to have the Holy Spirit put you there.  And the only way he will put you there is if you believe God Exclusively and Explicitly according to Rightly Divided Scripture.

Redemption, salvation, baptism, and circumcision occur simultaneously and are immediate, being accomplished BY the Holy Spirit when he puts you into the Church the Body of Christ.  There is no such thing as ‘baptism OF/WITH the Holy Spirit’.  That false doctrine is from the Arminianism version of Christianity; the charismatics.  As you have seen, that was an Israel-only baptism performed by God in early Acts.  When the Holy Spirit puts you into Christ (the Church the Body of Christ) you are complete … there is nothing additional for you to do, and there is nothing else to get from God … you are complete (Colossians 2:10).

Water baptism today is one of the many false doctrines invented by Christianity.  The only valid baptism today is accomplished BY the Holy Spirit.

The performance of any religious water rites today is simply an act of unbelief (you are calling God a liar).  Salvation requires complete belief and trust in God according to Rightly Divided Scripture (Galatians 1:8-9).

See also Believe, Church, Congregation, Dispensation, Doctrine, Faith, Grace, Law, Redeem, Remit, Repent, Saved, Sin

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