
Archaic – Original, very old, or old fashioned.

This word was coined in 1799, from the 1776 French word archaique, and Greek arkhaikos “old-fashioned,” and arkhaios “ancient, old-fashioned, antiquated, primitive,” and arkhē “beginning, origin,” and the verbal noun of arkhein “to be the first,” hence “to begin” and “to rule”.

Today, because of Christian scholars, people think it to merely mean “crude, outdated, obsolete” or, according to Century Dictionary, “a rudeness and imperfection implying the promise of future advance”.  

When coined, the word archaic meant “original, very old, or old fashioned”.

People in religion, primarily Christianity, use an erroneously definition of this word in an attempt to discredit Scripture; specifically, the Authorized Version King James Bible of 1611.  The problem with their agenda is that most of the words that they claim to be outdated and obsolete are still in common usage by intelligent, thinking, and educated people.  So, in fact, they are only heralding their own laziness and ignorance.

The answer is not to change the Word of God to accommodate your ignorance, but to build your vocabulary so you can understand what God is saying.  God said exactly what He meant, and He meant exactly what He said.

And herein lies the rub.  Men, specifically religion (Christianity, which is driven by the Catholic Church) have changed or morphed a lot of the original meanings of words to suit their agenda.  So, you will have to search out the original definitions.

Since the Authorized Version King James Bible of 1611 is written in the language of commerce, if you learn English, you will have available to you every hidden nugget of Scripture that God intended.

The book, The Truth According to Scripture – Book One – Basic Bible Knowledge has a complete discussion on this subject.

See also Faith, Fornicate, Gay, Ye

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