
AnointTo apply oil; To bestow divine or holy office upon.

God used this word 163 time in its various forms; 143 times to Israel in the Masoretic Text Old Testament; 12 times to Israel in the Koine Greek Old Testament; twice to Israel in the transition book of Acts; once to the Body of Christ in II Corinthians 1:21; and 5 times to Israel in their tribulation books.

According to Scripture, the purpose of anointing is for sanctification (Exodus 29:36, Leviticus 8:10-12).  Today, there is no anointing oil, we are sanctified by the Holy Ghost (Romans 15:16) being cleansed and sanctified by the Gospel of Grace (Ephesians 5:26)

The only person that can bestow anything divine is God.  The holy offices that He bestows are Prophets, Priests, Kings, and Ministers.  However, God instructed the prophets and priests to administer the anointing of kings and buildings.

In Israel’s Masoretic Text Old Testament, people were anointed, as were sacrifices and buildings with the special oil that God directed the Levites to make.  The anointing was by pouring or sprinkling, for the purpose of sanctification: The oil was a representation of the Holy Spirit.

  • Jesus was anointed by God with the Holy Ghost when He was baptized; as the dove descended upon Him; no oil applied.
  • Members of the Body of Christ are anointed by God with the Holy Spirit to preach and teach the Gospel of Grace; no oil applied.
  • Israel’s Tribulation Little Flock is anointed by God with the Holy Spirit; the oil of gladness; no oil applied.

Today, anyone that applies oil for sanctification, or anoints anyone or anything, is acting contrary to Scripture and is living in unbelief.  There are no people alive today that have God’s authority to anoint anyone or anything, or bestow any holy office or divine status.

See also Bestow, Certify, Confer, Ordain, Sanctify

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