
VirtueAn effective, active, or inherent power or force; A particular moral excellence.

God used this word 7 times in Scripture: 3 times to Israel in their Koine Greek Old Testament (Matthew thru John); once to the Body of Christ in the Gospel of Grace (Romans thru Philemon); and 3 times to Israel’s Little Flock in their tribulation book of II Peter.

The first sense of the word, “inherent force”, is used by God in the 3 references to Jesus in Israel’s Koine Greek Old Testament.

The second sense of the word, “moral excellence”, is used by God in the other 4 instances.

In the mid-1400s, the Catholic Church declared that the original definition is archaic and redefined the word to mean “having excellent moral qualities; conforming to religious law.”  The “religious law” that they are referring to are the laws of Christianity; the Catholic Church.

In the1590s they (the Catholic Church) added “chastity, sexual purity” to their definition, which is a bastardization of the second sense of the original meaning (moral excellence).  In so doing, they also had to redefine the word “chaste”. Just to state the obvious, in the 3 references in Israel’s Koine Greek Old Testament, Jesus didn’t feel His sexual purity go out from him, He didn’t lose His excellent moral qualities.  Being that He didn’t conform to religious law, that didn’t go out from Him either.

See also Archaic, Chaste