JewA member of the national religion of Israel.

God used the title Jew 13 times in Scripture, and refers to Jews 257 times in Scripture.

The title “Jew” is a distinct designation by God.  The title is specific and exact.  It is not the name of the members of the tribe of Judah or citizens of the city of Jerusalem, which are Judean.  The faithful of Israel were the tribes of Judah, Benjamin, and a remnant of the northern 10 tribes that remained in Jerusalem and obeyed God through the practice of Levitican service.

Israel began in truth with Moses, and faithfully served God through Levitican service.  Israel’s religion, that began around the time of Judges 17 (724 BCE), caused corruption, as do all the religions of men … but they claimed to be serving God.  God instituted Levitican service; men invented the religion of Judaism.

The use of the term “Jew” did not exist prior to II Kings 16:6 (724 BCE).  It refers to the religion of the apostate of Israel in Syria.  By the invocation of Presumed Public Knowledge at their time, it became the official national religion of Israel, which Christ rejected in His earthly ministry.

The Jewish religion is divided into three political parties, the Pharisees, the Sadducees, and the Herodians.  Each denomination teaches their own version of corrupt religious activity, or if you prefer,denominational doctrine.

Being a Jew according to Scripture is not a flattering term.  They are the “Lost Sheep of the House of Israel” (Matthew 10:6,15:24); Jews are the only people that Jesus Christ came to save (no gentiles allowed) (John 4:22, Romans 15:8).  The Jews hated Jesus, harassed Him, and eventually killed Him (the book of John).

Nevertheless, Presumed Public Knowledge today classifies all of Israel as being Jews, as if it is a nationality, which it isn’t.

Every person, of any nationality, that is practicing the religion and lifestyle of apostate Israel is a Jew (laws, customs, observances, rituals, traditions, etc.)  as seen in Esther 8:17.

See also Christian, Gentile, Grecian, Heathen, Hebrew, Proselyte, Star of David

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