
ChasteMorally pure; Decent.

God used this word twice in Scripture: Once to the Body of Christ in the Gospel of Grace; and once to Israel in their tribulation book of I Peter.

The English word ‘chaste’ is of 1200 CE French origin, which comes from the Latin ‘castus’

To fit their false doctrine, also in the 1200s CE, the Catholic Church invoked the ‘ecclesiastic’ definition as “Virtuous, pure from unlawful sexual intercourse”.  In so doing, they also had to redefine ‘virtue’.

But it they didn’t like their own definition, because in the 1400s CE the Catholic Church changed the definition to include “A virginal person”.  And in the 1500s they add “sexually pure” to their definition.

And in 1620 they changed it again, which has become the accepted dictionary definition, “Not having experienced sexual intercourse; virginal”.

We know that the modern definition (the Christian definition) is wrong, because God used both words, side-by-side, in the same verse “… chaste virgin …” (II Corinthians 11:2).

See also Christian, Damsel, Doctrine, Maid/Maiden, Virgin, Virtue

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