
CertifyAttest or confirm in a formal statement.

God used this word 7 times in Scripture: 6 times to Israel in the Masoretic Text Old Testament; never to Israel in the Koine Greek Old Testament; once to the Body of Christ in the Dispensation of Grace; never to Israel in the tribulation books.

Today, almost everyone has some kind of certification.  Which is a certificate that formally confirms something; education, training, accomplishment, membership, etc.

In the Masoretic Text Old Testament most certifications were verbal boundary and treaty agreements.  The only other occurrence was to the Body of Christ wherein God certified the Gospel of Grace through Paul in Galatians 1:11.  Wherein Paul attests, in a formal statement, that the risen Jesus Christ himself revealed the Gospel of Grace to him through personal instruction.  Furthermore, the Gospel of Grace is not from men, and is different than what he learned through his Jewish instruction and education.

See also Commend, Dispensation, Ordain

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