
AngelSpirit beings made by God; The host of heaven.

Of the 303 occurrences of the word angel in Scripture, most refer to the spirit beings in their capacity of the host of heaven.

Of the 303, there are 92 mentions in Scripture to the “angel of …”:

The “angel of …” denotes the spirit-being acting in the capacity of representation of the listed person or entity.  i.e., The ‘angel of God’ is a spirit-being acting in the capacity as the representative of God.

  • 72 times in the Masoretic Text Old Testament (Genesis-Malachi) to Israel wherein 63 occurrences are a reference to the angel being of God and LORD, and 4 are about David being the angel of God (I Samuel 29:9, II Samuel 14:17, 20, II Samuel 19:27).  The 4 occurrences regarding David denote recognition that David is acting as God’s spiritual representative.
  • 8 times in the Koine Greek Old Testament to Israel (Matthew-John).
  • 3 times by Paul; once about the angel of God standing by him (Acts 27:23); once about Satan being transformed into the angel of light (II Corinthians 11:14); and once about the Galatians receiving Paul as the angel of God (Galatians 4:14); and
  • 9 times in the book of Revelation: 7 times referring to the angel of the Churches; once about the angel of the bottomless pit; and once about the angel of the waters.  The ‘angel of the church’ is a spirit-being acting in the capacity as the representative of a church.

See also Church, Host, LORD

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