Un-Defiled Version King James Reference Bible

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If you attempt to read or study the Word of God without a clear understanding of the basics covered in The Truth According to Scripture: Book One: Basic Bible Knowledge you risk doing so to your own destruction.


The Authorized Version King James Bible is the only unimpeachable book of Scripture available in English, the language of commerce, but you must beware of the publishers included corruptions.

This publication of Scripture, The Un-Defiled Version King James Reference Bible, is a return to the original format, prior to the major corruptions by man.

This publication is not an attempt to replace, circumvent, or diminish the Authorized Version King James Reference Bible in any fashion or manner.  However, it does expose the corruptions introduced men and their organizations.

Robert Stephanus introduced the first unintentional, but covert, attacks on the Word of God when he introduced chapter and verse divisions and italics in his fourth edition Greek New Testament, which was published in 1551.

The translators of the  Authorized Version King James Bible of 1611 maintained Robert Stephanus’ numbered chapter and verse divisions,  Roman style type, and the italics that are still in use today.

The Roman style type is neutral and poses no threat to the veracity of Scripture.  The other two items are of extreme concern; numbered chapter/verse divisions, and italics.  Although there is no evidence of attempted corruption, the enemies of God are using these elements as weapons against the Word of God.

The purpose of this format of Scripture, the Un-Defiled Version King James Reference Bible, is to remove the destructive corruptions.

Man’s well-intentioned additions have been addressed:

    1. The chapter and verse divisions that were introduced by Stephanus in 1551, and included in the Authorized Version King James Bible of 1611, are included for reference only: as an aid in navigation.
        1. Beware of the Chapter and Verse division.  They interrupt the flow of the message and cause awkward breaks in the sentences. They are not Scripture and should only be used for navigation.  Pay attention to the punctuation, not the verse numbers and chapter divisions.
        2. Because every word is accurate, valid, and necessary for literal translation, the italics are converted into like type: every word is Scripture without regard to font-type. The italicizing of those words are destructive and cast doubt and dispersion on the Word of God.  The italicizing has therefore been converted to normal type.
        3. Font spacing is normalized (justified type compresses and expands spacing, which requires the reader to decode the text).
        4. Font modification has been normalized (the reduced size of some capital letters obscures them from notice).
    2. Man’s intentional corruptions, initiated by Thomas Paris in 1762, and furthered by Christianity, have been removed:
        1. Colored Lettering
        2. Margin Notes
        3. Reference Notes
        4. Study Guides
        5. Commentaries
        6. Language Guides
        7. Definitions
        8. Etc.

In every sense, this publication is the uncorrupted Authorized Version King James Bible, Scripture, word-for-word exact.

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