I grew up hearing about “getting saved”, inviting Jesus into your heart, the rapture, going to heaven, blessing and cursings, etc.  I followed that teaching until I learned the truth about God, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit … it took decades of study.

One of the things that I learned, very early, is that what I believed was only giving me false hope … the various Churches I attended over the years were not teaching the Truth According to Scripture.

The next thing I learned is that, basically, every Church is teaching the same mis-information about God.  The only difference is their Church-doctrine, rites, rituals, and customs.

The ‘feel-good’ teachings of the Church, and the instilling of fear, are used to get people to join their group, but they hide the truth about God, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit … or most likely they just don’t know the truth?

That is why I wrote the book “Basic Bible Knowledge“.

Because most people don’t have a clear understanding of the most basic things about God, Jesus, the Holy Spirit, Church, and Scripture … the only thing they can really claim any knowledge of is what their Church tells them.

My mother died loving her Church instead of God. She and her Church-friends refused to believe Scripture because the preacher taught and believed Church doctrine instead of the truth of Scripture.

If people actually have a firm grip on basic Bible knowledge, then understanding God, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit is so much easier.

When people “study” their Bible or go to Church, without a firm grasp of Basic Bible Knowledge, they are wasting their time … the truth in Scripture will remain a mystery.

Everyone can get a free digital copy on my website www.ewwhitten.org, or get the printed version AT COST on Amazon.

I am not selling anything; I just want everyone to know the truth about WHO they claim to know

  • If they really knew God, they wouldn’t say what they say.
  • If they really loved God, they wouldn’t contradict Him with their beliefs and teachings.
  • If they really trusted God, they would do what God gave TO them.
  • If they really had an understanding of Basic Bible Knowledge, they would actually be able to be redeemed.

Just a hint … these 3 elements (Saved, Justified, Redeemed) are different … they are not the same.

  1. A person can be saved, but not redeemed or justified
  2. A person can be justified, but not saved or redeemed [If a person’s belief is in the wrong Gospel, they have no justification for their claim of redemption, and therefore are not redeemed or saved (Galatians 1:6-9)]
  3. If a person is redeemed, it is only because their belief is justified (they trusted the right Gospel) … you do know that there are more than 26 Gospels in Scripture, don’t you? … I hope you are believing the right one.